Saturday, April 29, 2006

Heading Towards Alpha

It's the 29th of April, a completely arbitrary day to (re)start a weblog that'll focus on what I love, what I loathe, and everything in-between. Random thoughts, bizarre insights and a lot of rambling will be your lot if you follow these html-enhanced scribblings.
As busy and crowded as life may be, I feel things are in an upward spiral. Not the Icarus type though, for the most part thanks to the love of my life, whom I hope to get involved in this here blog as well. As such I want to make a decent attempt to write something, anything, every day, be it witty, interesting or lame (despite an evident preference for the former, odds are on the latter, be warned!)
Fiction can be fun, it can also be horrid. Here's to sharing the good and the bad! :)


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