Saturday, July 01, 2006

Torchwood Is Just Another Name For Doctor Who

While I don't have the time to write a proper post about tonight's episode of Doctor Who, the penultimate chapter of the current series' second season, because I have to finish painting the attic to prepare for the arrival of the most wonderful woman in the entire world, I wanted to quickly share my utter excitement at the magnificent cliffhanger ending.

The mysterious organization called Torchwood has been a recurring theme throughout the series since the 2005 Christmas Special. During this two-part finale, the Doctor finally meets up with them, just in time for Earth to fall victim to an alien invasion once again, only this time the odds are decidedly against our heroes, more so than ever before. Old enemies resurface in a momentously chilling cliffhanger (love the score!), truly catching the Doctor, Rose and her mother between a rock and a very hard place.

This particular ending made me squeal with glee. That's three for three, this season. It's quite fascinating how I can find this show thoroughly silly yet also incredibly exciting. In fact, the series reminds me why I was drawn to superhero comics to begin with, something which both Marvel and DC are attempting to trample into the dust with their boots: over the top adventure with a lot of emotion thrown in, and awareness of your own inherent silliness. It's exactly because the two biggest comic book publishers take their products so damn seriously that the sense of fun and grand-scale adventure is hopelessly lost in a lot of their books. Luckily back issues never fade, just like this taped episode of Doctor Who never will, either.

Definitely one to revisit, if only to feel my hairs raise on end anew when "they" make their ominous return, to bedevil the Doctor and Rose Tyler one final (?) time... Two thumbs up, without question.

And oh, the teaser did exactly what it was supposed to do, only they're not fooling me. All I'm saying is "Alas, poor Jackie, we knew her well..." and that is the end of it... for now!


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