Monday, July 17, 2006

The Walls Have Comics (And The Floor, And The Bed...)

I figured I should update with a quick post just in case there's actually anyone reading this and wondering where the heck I wandered off to this time around! Sequoia arrived on the fourth of July and I've been working on our new and improved attic ever since. Most of the past week I've been taking my time in carrying a couple thousand comics upstairs from my old bedroom and arranging them in all the new bookcases. I'm down to the "leftover" series (Punisher War Journal, Sleepwalker, Ghost Rider, Azrael, Aquaman, that sort of stuff) and then all I need to is bring up all the mini-series, one-shots and specials, after sorting through all the trade paperbacks. And after all of that, I have to get the old bedroom looking nice again *and* sort through everything that came down from the old attic to begin with, so odds are against me properly posting for a while. (Sequoia and I having a Star-Trek-athon every day doesn't help matters either, long live geek-hotties though :p)

And yes, I'm a total blasphemer, my comics are now completely out in the open, no bags and boards for me, as you can see in the pics below :)

And wait until you see what I'm doing with the desk area, it's looking pretty damn neat in a geeky goofball way. Growing up, who needs that, eh? ;)

Very quick thoughts on comics stuff:

Ed Brubaker and Mike Carey on Uncanny X-Men and X-Men is great, first time in ages I'm excited about both X-books.

Runaways is EVIL (and so good).

Thunderbolts is running perfectly with the theme of Civil War, even if the mini-series itself is a mess.

Carlos Pacheco on Superman kicks all sorts of ass but draws one ugly Lois though.

My girlfriend likes Warren Ellis's work, so go him! PAD is less lucky in that respect though.

Paul Dini on Detective Comics should be a hell of a ride based on his first issue.

JSA ended on less than a whimper, which was highly disappointing yet expected.

I finally read The 49'ers and was appropriately impressed (also as expected).

I have too many trades to read!

And oh, Uncle Scrooge is the very best character ever ;)


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