Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Seven Months!

Yeah, I'm a total lame-o for not bothering to post in exactly 7 months, if I counted right. Blame it on work and posting too many comments over at various blogs and message boards! However, since seven is (for me) a very lucky number, and since May 2nd is the day my wife-to-be and I first became a couple, lo these many (well, four) years ago, what better day to resume posting than today?

I could talk about Spider-Man 3, which I went to see yesterday, and which I rate lower than Spider-Man 2 (no real surprise there, I adored S2), but higher than Superman Returns (again no surprise, that movie was pretty mediocre), and at about the same level as X3 (mind you, I'm one of those happy few who actually enjoyed the third X-Men movie the most of all three of them, so take that for what it's worth). Unlike Spider-Man 2, I'm really not too anxious to rewatch this outing, which is a pity. It wasn't a bad movie at all, and when the action takes control, things are really quite strong, but the story itself, as classic as the idea may be, is rather weak, with a fair amount of odd editing/cutting choices that make the whole less than its individual pieces...

Or I could talk about this week's episode of Heroes, which was Very Good Indeed in its Days-Of-Future-Past-y-ness, knocking me around the ears with a couple of surprises which I was too unsuspecting to notice in advance. Well done, Heroes crew. You keep me excited, I like that in a show. I'm certainly anxious to watch the grand finale with my lovely fiancée in a mere three weeks...

I could also pontificate about the JLA back issues I've been rereading, written by such fan-favorites as Grant Morrison and Mark Waid, currently returned to DC after their original stints back in the 90s (how time flies). It's interesting to see the cyclical nature of comics captured in their runs on the League. It's even more interesting to compare Meltzer's approach to the JLA to Morrison's, something I will get around to eventually (ditto for Bendis/Busiek on their respective Avengers runs)...

But I'd rather take the time to turn the spotlight on Sequoia, the woman I love with all my heart. She is my companion, my light in dark times. My effervescent angel, full of wit and whimsy. My very best friend, who shares my interests, but also introduces me constantly to new ideas and concepts I had never approached before, enriching my life in ways no other ever has or even could. Her compassion and sensitivity are her greatest strength--but her actual willpower in the face of repeated adversity is what makes her a true hero to me.

My entire life, I've been fascinated and intrigued by fictional heroes and their suspenseful adventures. It shows, in a collection of strips, comics, novels, tv series and movies that exemplify the varied nature of heroism time and time again. I think you can imagine how thrilling it must be for me to embark on the greatest adventure of all, the tale of a lifetime, with the woman whose heroism, to me, is unchallenged, without question nor fail. After all, a hero can be seen as someone who does the right thing exactly because it is the right thing to do. If anyone corresponds to that capricious category, it is my darling petatje: Sequoia.

Thank you, honey, for being you. I cannot say it enough. And as such, I'll never ever stop saying it :D


Blogger Steven said...

And now it's going on 3 months!


8:33 AM  

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